A Taste of Ribald Fantasy

In a span of a two weeks, fans of ribald fantasy stories have been given the gift of three comics featuring plenty of bloody hacking and slashing, foul language, and the triple threat of male, female, and non-human nudity. I joyously sat down last night to read all three. (read more)

Transformers #1 and #2

The franchise left IDW and landed at Image Comics under the Skybound banner. The move certainly generated some chatter around the store. My personal interest was solely based on the name at the top of the cover: Daniel Warren Johnson. He’s the writer and artist of two of my most recent favourite comics miniseries– Do a Powerbomb! and Murder Falcon— and he takes on those chores for Transformers. (read more)

Queen & Country

Queen & Country is available in three definitive editions from Oni Press and it is a set I like to keep in stock even though I might only sell one edition every 2 years. Dana and I talked about this the other day over breakfast. If you run a comic shop there are certain titles you keep in stock to demonstrate you know your craft. (read more)